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STEM Career Day Events at Junior High Schools
LASD & LAEF are excited to kick off the 3rd STEM Career Day Events at Egan and Blach Jr. High Schools this spring. STEM pervades every part of our life. STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. We believe that exposing students to different aspects and careers in this field will inspire them and spark passion.
If you are a parent, grandparent or community member who would like to share your career story with students at Egan on March 25 and/or Blach on March 26, please contact Karen Wilson, STEM Coordinator at or Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney, LASD parent at
Also, please mark your calendars for the STEM Night Event being held on Monday, March 25 at Egan Jr. High starting at 7pm. Speakers to be announced in the near future.
Los Altos School District Health Services Department:
When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home. In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.
Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms:
You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom-free without medication for 24 hours. Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chickenpox, mumps or measles or whooping cough (pertussis). These conditions can be life-threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems.
The following information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District Nurses or personal health care provider for more information. Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended absence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer.
Vomiting or Diarrhea
Sore throat or trouble swallowing
Coughing, sneezing, and/or runny nose
Rash or unusual sores or spots
Generalized muscle aches and pains
Wheezing or trouble breathing
Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes
Head Lice
Del Departamento de Servicios de Salud del LASD:
Cuando No Enviar a su Hijo(a) a la Escuela
A veces, sobre todo temprano en la mañana, es difícil saber si enviar o no a su hijo(a) a la escuela. Las siguientes directrices son indicaciones de que debe mantener a su hijo(a) en la casa. De esta manera, usted ayuda a controlar la propagación del catarro, influenza, y otras enfermedades contagiosas.
Mantenga a su hijo(a) en la casa cuando el o ella tenga cualquiera de los siguientes síntomas:
Fiebre de 99.6 o más
Vomito o Diarrea
Dolor de garganta o dificultad tragando
Tos, estornudos, y/o secreción nasal
Salpullido, llagas o manchas no usuales
Dolor de cabeza
Dolores musculares generalizados
Silbidos o dificultad respirando
Ojos rojos, con costra o ardor no usuales
Piojos de Cabeza
Usted tendrá que mantener a su hijo(a) en la casa hasta que esté sin síntomas y sin medicamentos por 24 horas.
Además, NOTIFIQUE INMEDIATEMENTE A LA OFICINA si su hijo(a) ha sido expuesto a, o ha tenido contacto con, varicela, paperas, sarampión, o tos ferina (pertusis). Estas condiciones pueden poner en peligro la vida de estudiantes quienes estén recibiendo terapias las cuales supriman sus sistemas inmunológico.
La siguiente información es solamente una guía para asuntos de salud infantil. Llame a las Enfermeras del Distrito (650-444-9702 ó 650-537-8119) o a su proveedor de servicios de salud para más información. Siempre traiga a la escuela una copia de una nota de su médico y/o notifique a la escuela si su hijo(a) estará ausente por 10 días o más debido a una condición médica.
Updated 1/2017
12/16/24 10:44 AM