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This month’s ABC book for upper grades: “Nobody Knew What To Do” by Becky Ray McCain tells the story of how one child found the courage to be an UPstander and tell a teacher about a fellow student who was being picked on and bullied by children in school.
This month’s ABC book for upper grades: “Don’t Squeal Unless It’s a Big Deal by Jeanie Franz Ransom
Goals of the lesson:
· Identify caring adults who provide support and positive communication.
· Teach students how to tell and make a report.
· Use positive self-talk to boost personal power in interpersonal relationships.
· Role model UPstander responses to support each other.
· Create a caring, safe school environment for all by teaching adults on school campuses how to respond to student reporting.
· Generate ways to be UPstanders when faced with cyberbullying.
To reinforce this lesson at home:
- Be the one your child can come to when they need to be heard. Listen and be aware of situations that need further attention.
- Stay calm and gather information by asking questions. In most instances, you can help your child identify and state the problem. “So Jack is picking on you at recess. What are some things you/we might do?” Help your child see their personal power is in how they choose to react.
- Discuss the potential consequences of the chosen strategy. “If you go to the teacher what would happen?” Look at 2 or 3 strategies and consequences and have your child choose one.
- Reassure your child. Thank them for sharing their worries and tell them that you will be “there” when they need help. Check back later to see if the strategy is working.
- If you are not sure what to say or do, reassure your child you will find a way to help and get back to them. Follow through on your promises.
When you “catch” kids modeling positive behaviors... Notice, Name it, and Celebrate it!
12/16/24 10:26 PM