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School Announcements |
Back to School Night/Morning! For Kindergarten join us on August 31st at 8:15am – 9:30am 1st through 6th grades join us on September 1st at 6:00 – 8:00pm Back to School is an event for PARENTS only.
- Check out your child’s classroom - Meet your child’s teacher - Learn about classroom happenings and activities for the coming year - Meet other parents from your child’s class - Explore opportunities to volunteer in your child’s classroom ____________________________________________________________
Excused Absences for Religious Holidays ____________________________________________________________ Medication at School
If you need to find medication forms, please follow: LASD Los Altos School District website Go to “Parents & Community” —> “Health Services" —> "Medication at school" ( ____________________________________________________________ Box Tops! Start collecting today! Class contest ends in December with a Popsicle Party for the winning class. Register your Safeway Club Card on the Box Tops website to earn 60 extra box tops with every 10 Box Tops items purchased through 9/1/16. Annie's Organics, Nature Valley Granola, Honey Nut Cheerios, Ziplocs, and Scott Paper Products are just a few of the many products that can earn $0.10 a clip for our school. Your classroom has a Box Tops deposit box. Please click this link for participating products by category or download a PDF of all:
Coupons and special promotions can also be found on the Monique Rogers, your BTFE Coordinator |
12/16/24 1:45 PM