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School Announcements |
Join Cub Scout Pack 78! Calling all 1st through 5th grade boys! Cub Scout Pack 78 is our thriving local Cub Scout Pack serving Gardner Bullis, Bullis Charter School and local private schools. Campouts, rocket launching, overnighters and Cub Scouting await! We'll have an information night and slideshow on Thursday, September 8th, 6:30pm at the Gardner Bullis multi. Our first Pack Meeting of the year (with a special guest!) will be Tuesday, September 13th, 6:30pm at the Gardner Bullis multi. Questions, please email Committee Chair Jason Biggs at ____________________________________________________________
Excused Absences for Religious Holidays ____________________________________________________________ Medication at School
If you need to find medication forms, please follow: LASD Los Altos School District website Go to “Parents & Community” —> “Health Services" —> "Medication at school" ( ____________________________________________________________ Box Tops! Start collecting today! Class contest ends in December with a Popsicle Party for the winning class. Annie's Organics, Nature Valley Granola, Honey Nut Cheerios, Ziplocs, and Scott Paper Products are just a few of the many products that can earn $0.10 a clip for our school. Your classroom has a Box Tops deposit box. Please click this link for participating products by category or download a PDF of all:
Coupons and special promotions can also be found on the Monique Rogers, your BTFE Coordinator ____________________________________________________________ Join the PTA! Get to know your school, your fellow parents, and have a say in how the PTA funds are spent. Click on this link to join today, PTA Back to School Forms.
First PTA meeting is Friday, Sept. 16 after flag salute. Learn more about the PTA and our exciting programs! Vote on our 2016-17 budget! Meet and mingle with fellow GB parents! ____________________________________________________________ Remember your School Supplies and Field Trip Donations If you didn't get your field trip and school supplies donations made at Back to School Night, please give them to your classroom teacher. Please make the checks out to “Gardner Bullis School” and be sure to include your child's name and grade on each check. Also, please write two separate checks for these expenses. School supply donation is $40 per child. Field trip donations are $50 per child for all grades, except for 4th ($350 — includes Coloma overnight) and 6th ($325.) ____________________________________________________________ Join all GB families for our first Third Thursday of the year — Fiesta Time! Mark your calendars for a repeat trip to school on Thursday, September 15th from 6-8 PM. Come hungry to enjoy delicious tacos and other south of the border fare! Kids can play on campus and adults will have a chance to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. The PTA will provide drinks and dessert. See you there!! ____________________________________________________________ DESPERATE FOR HOT LUNCH SERVERS!
The hot lunch program is off to a great start in terms of families getting
ONE server for every other Monday
Please contact ____________________________________________________________ Grizzly Academy (after school programs) Sports! Languages! Science! Art! Whatever your child enjoys, we have it after school! For more information go to the Grizzly Academy web page. |
12/16/24 1:51 PM