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Important Dates for Entering Terman Middle School
If your children are in the Gunn High School district area, priority registration for 2017-18 into Nixon, Terman and Gunn starts January 12 and closes February 15. For best school choices, it's important to make this deadline. Registration website is found at
Fifth Grade Visits on May 11, 2017 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon at Terman Middle School. The deadline dates and details can be found on this website The central office for the Palo Alto school district is located at 25 Churchill Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306. If you have a school-wide announcement that you would like to be included in Bear Tracks, please send it to the Bear Tracks editors. The deadline is the Wednesday prior to when you want it to appear. |
12/16/24 1:45 PM