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BookQuest Celebration on Thursday - March 2nd, 2017 at 6-8 PM (in Gardner Bullis Multi) Please come celebrate what our BookQuest authors have accomplished! Published books will be on display (authors can take books home after the event) and Gennifer Choldenko (author of the Al Capone series, Chasing Secrets, A Giant Crush, and more) will be our guest speaker. We will have a raffle for our student authors. Light refreshments will be served. Get your Auction Tickets! A Night in Havana at the Cabana takes place at the Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel in Palo Alto on April 1st, 2017 from 6 - 11PM. You won't want to miss this special Cuban-themed evening ofBidding, Dining, Dancing and Fun with Friends while helping our kids! This annual fundraiser provides much needed financial support for our school’s Arts Programs, Computer Technology and Equipment, Library Materials, Gardens, Field Trips, Classroom Supplies, and Teacher Professional Development. Early Bird tickets are on sale now for $100 per person and go up to $125 afterMarch 1st. Please email with any questions or to make a donation. Girls Just want to have Fun! Calling all Gardner Bullis girls and moms (or dads)!! Come out for a night of FUN at Winter Lodge in Palo Alto!
When: Friday, March 10th 5:30-7:30pm
*Welcome adults/children to join for dinner, even if you’re not skating For additional information contact Shannon Guymon The PTA Nominating Committee Wants You! Would you like to be more involved in your child’s school? Want to share your time and talents with a great school community? We have opportunities for you! The PTA Nominating Committee is looking for volunteers to help in various ways next school year. If you would like to volunteer or find out more about what is needed, please contact Alissa Faris, Nominating Committee Chair, at Looking for a Webmaster for 2017-18 The school webmaster keeps up to date. Before school starts, the Webmaster updates the school information for the new year as provided by staff and PTA volunteers. Each week, the Webmaster adds the Bear Tracks emails to the home page. As needed, the Webmaster works with each PTA committee to provide online support for their events. The Webmaster job can be shared among two or more volunteers with specific responsibilities. Most of the Webmaster work is done from home on a computer at hours of your choosing. If you have an interest in being the next school Webmaster, please contact Heather Rose at Project Cornerstone Book of the Month René has Two Last Names by René Colato Lainez |
12/17/24 1:08 AM