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October 29, 2017

Parking Lot Duty

The parking lot is closed until Wednesday, December 27th.

To ensure the safety of students getting in and out of cars during this time, each grade is assigned one week of parking lot duty both before and after school, according to the schedule below.

Parent volunteers are asked to put on orange vests found on the sidewalk along the drop-off/pick-up lane, and to assist children in safely getting in and out of the cars.  The time commitment is small: 8:10-8:30AM, 2:40-3:20PM or 1:25-2:05 on early release Thursdays.

Parking lot sign-up sheet.

1st Grade - 10/30 - 11/3

2nd Grade - 11/6 - 11/9

3rd Grade - 11/13 - 11/17

4th Grade - 11/27 - 12/1

5th Grade - 12/4 - 12/8

6th Grade - 12/11 - 12/15

Dark Matter Day

On October 31, 2017, the world will celebrate the historic hunt for the unseen—something that scientists refer to as Dark Matter. Do you know Dark Matter makes up 85% of our universe, and yet scientists have not yet directly observed it? Dark Matter seems to "hide" in plain sight and doesn't play by the known rules of physics - Spooooooky!  Gardner Bullis is glad to host its very first Dark Matter Day, with Stanford researcher, Ryan Linehan, coming to present the science behind, and the experiments ongoing in the hope to unmask this elusive matter. Please encourage your kids to come attend the 25-minute presentation on Halloween during lunch @ STEM lab:

4th - 6th grades - 12pm -12:25pm

1st - 3rd grades - 12:25pm - 12:50pm

Students will have the opportunities to dress up as ghost particles, electrons and xenons to re-enact subatomic interactions!

Word from the Office

PLEASE call the attendance line by 9:00am if your student will not be at school for any reason. 650-559-3232. Please give your student’s name, teacher and reason for absence. These messages are documented every morning.

If your student has an early morning appointment (Please call the attendance line)-doctor, dentist, orthodontist, etc. in order to excuse their tardy when arriving at school-PLEASE bring a note from the provider that states that they were seen in their office. These are needed for auditing purposes.

If you need to pick up your student early from school; please come to the office to sign them out. When you are signing them out; we will call their room and ask them to come to the office. It only takes a few minutes for them to arrive in the office. We are unable to call for your students early and have them wait in office for your arrival.

PLEASE make arrangements in advance with your child for end-of the-day pick up, play dates, or change of plans. The best way to get a message to your child is to email their teacher-they will check their emails at recess and lunch.  We only take emergency calls-we do not want to disturb the learning/teaching practices.

We ask you to please be prompt in picking up your children each day. Teachers and Staff have many meetings off campus and need to leave campus promptly to attend.

If you should bring an item to school that your child forgot---jacket, sweatshirt, lunch, instrument, homework—it must be labeled with your child’s name on it. This is to insure it goes to the correct student.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation,

The Office Staff

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